The problem with Python's datetime class.

This might sound like a strong opinion, but I’m just going to put it out there: Python should make tzinfo mandatory on all datetime objects.

To be fair, that’s just an overzealous suggestion prompted by my frustration after spending two full days debugging timestamp misbehaviors. There are plenty of practical reasons to keep timezone-agnostic datetimes around. Some projects will never need timestamp localization, and requiring them to use tzinfo everywhere will only needlessly complicate things. However, if you think you might ever need to deal with timezones in your application, then you must plan to deal with them from the start. My real proposition is that a team should assess its needs and set internal standards regarding the use of timestamps before beginning a project. That’s more reasonable, I think.

The problem.

If you’re handling timestamps in Python, chances are you are using its standard datetime class. The datetime honestly has a pretty great feature set: it lets you do arithmetic with dates, stringify dates, etc.; pretty much anything you need to do with a date, datetime will do for you. However, lots of problems arise when you use “naive” datetime objects, i.e., datetimes without any timezone awareness.

Python 2.x had a similar problem differentiating between different types of strings. It’s a long story, but essentially whether a string contained binary or text, it was still a string. People who knew what they were doing with strings didn’t have a problem, but it was far from idiot-proof. In fact, you didn’t really need to be an idiot to fall into the trap – just naive. This caused lots of problems, so eventually Python 3.x decided to make str and bytes into totally different things.

Naivety is also detrimental in the use of the datetime. The only place where it works as intended, without a hassle, is in an application where you never have to do any kind of localization or timezone conversion. Once you start trying to convert naive datetimes between timezones, you’ll find that you’ve been shot in the foot. My personal opinion is that footguns should not exist, or at least not in the standard libraries of high-level languages like Python.

I wish I could seriously propose that Python eliminate the naive datetime, but this would only cause problems. Naive datetimes are great, since they don’t ever require you to look at a timezone database (tzdb). Once you start dealing with timezones, you have to worry about the tzdb being up to date. If you don’t have complete control over the environment your code is running in, then you can expect inconsistent behavior between users. Whether this is a problem depends on the nature of your project, and I’m not about to enumerate all the possibilities — you can weigh the consequences yourself.

In short, I propose that anyone starting a new project should decide – at its very beginning – what to do with timestamps. In most cases, I think that naive datetimes should be avoided altogether — explicit timezone information (tzinfo) should be included absolutely anywhere datetimes are used. You should use naive datetimes only if you will never need to convert between timezones, you can’t trust users to have an up-to-date tzdb, and having inconsistent tzdbs between users would likely create other problems.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the foresight to disallow naive datetimes in my project at its inception; therefore, I ran into a problem two years down the road at which point I had to do a lot of refactoring. The remainder of this article details the problems I encountered and the subsequent process of eliminating all naive datetimes from my codebase.

The dilemma.

When I first started using datetimes I didn’t know any better. I simply called whenever I needed a timestamp. At that time (no pun intended), my app was only displaying times for a single timezone. Eventually, I realized that I should be converting timestamps to users’ local timezones, and my naivety came back to bite me in the ass.

If you didn’t know already, gives you the current time in your local timezone. However, it does not have this timezone information attached by default: it gives you a naive datetime object.

I tried to convert one of these naive datetimes using the pytz library (which handles timezone magic):

>>> import pytz
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> now =
>>> now
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 15, 15, 11, 475618)
>>> pytz.timezone("America/New_York").localize(now)
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 15, 15, 11, 475618, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/New_York' EST-1 day, 19:00:00 STD>)
>>> pytz.timezone("Australia/Sydney").localize(now)
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 15, 15, 11, 475618, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Australia/Sydney' AEDT+11:00:00 DST>)

Note that my local timezone is MST; however, the datetime has no idea about this and therefore doesn’t actually do any conversion when I ask for another timezone. All of the datetimes it returned are the same, except for their attached tzinfos.

My first idea was to inject my local timezone into all the naive datetime objects:

>>> now ="America/Denver"))
>>> now
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 15, 20, 8, 410761, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Denver' MST-1 day, 17:00:00 STD>)
>>> pytz.timezone("America/New_York").normalize(now)
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 17, 20, 8, 410761, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/New_York' EST-1 day, 19:00:00 STD>)
>>> pytz.timezone("Australia/Sydney").normalize(now)
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 15, 9, 20, 8, 410761, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Australia/Sydney' AEDT+11:00:00 DST>)

Now the conversion works. However, there are also lots of places in my codebase where I’m accepting or returning Unix timestamps. If you don’t know, Unix timestamps are always UTC. If you don’t ask otherwise, datetime will convert them into local time for you, again without a tzinfo:

>>> import time
>>> unixtime = time.time()
>>> unixtime
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime)
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 15, 22, 17, 234377)

This isn’t so bad, we can fix it mostly the same way as the

>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime, pytz.timezone("America/Denver"))
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 15, 22, 17, 234377, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Denver' MST-1 day, 17:00:00 STD>)

You can even convert it to another timezone:

>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime, pytz.timezone("America/New_York"))
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 17, 22, 17, 234377, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/New_York' EST-1 day, 19:00:00 STD>)

But what if we want to convert a localized datetime into a Unix timestamp? If you’re familiar with the C strftime API, you’ll be tempted to use strftime("%s"):


That time, we got the correct result. But watch this:

>>> t = time.time()
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time(), pytz.timezone("America/Denver")).strftime("%s")
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time(), pytz.timezone("America/New_York")).strftime("%s")

What’s going on here? We created a single Unix timestamp (t), and converted it to two separate datetimes in two different timezones. We already know that conversion from Unix time into any timezone works correctly. We should have gotten the same result when we converted back. However, it turns out that you can only convert a datetime to a Unix timestamp if it is in your local timezone.

Actually, strftime("%s") is unsupported in Python. It ends up just stripping the tzinfo, thereby creating a naive timestamp in an arbitrary timezone, and calling the C strftime which assumes it’s being given a local timestamp. Obviously this doesn’t work.

Now how do you create a Unix timestamp the correct way? It’s ugly:

>>> t ="America/Denver"))
>>> (t - datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)).total_seconds()

In short, you need to take a timezone-aware datetime, subtract the Unix epoch from it (thereby obtaining a timedelta), and convert it to seconds. Luckily for us, any arithmetic done with timezone-aware datetimes is automatically converted to UTC.

Fortunately, it fails if you pass it a naive datetime:

>>> t =
>>> (t - datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)).total_seconds()
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

Unfortunately, I’m sure a lot of beginners are still going to get screwed, since the most popular StackOverflow answers for this situation give you incorrect solutions like the following:

>>> t =
>>> (t - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()

It doesn’t fail, since both timestamps are naive. However, the result is wrong: since I used my local time, the result is the number of seconds since 1970-1-1 in my timezone, rather than in UTC.

The solution.

Upon discovering how difficult it is to do anything nontrivial with timestamps correctly, I decided to eliminate naive datetimes from my codebase altogether and standardize an API for doing common tasks with timezone-aware datetimes. This would help prevent other contributors to my project from shooting themselves in the foot (and by extension, shooting me).

The timehelper class I created is meant to be used any time you want to:

Any use of the builtin datetime functions to do these things will now result in a failed code review, because they’re all nearly impossible to get right.

The timehelper itself is very simple:

import pytz, psycopg2
from datetime import datetime

class timehelper(object):
  def localize_and_format(tz, fmt, dt):
    # disallow naive datetimes
    if dt.tzinfo is None:
      raise ValueError("Passed datetime object has no tzinfo")
    # workaround for psycopg2 tzinfo
    if isinstance(dt.tzinfo,
      dt.tzinfo._utcoffset = dt.tzinfo._offset
    return pytz.timezone(tz).normalize(dt).strftime(fmt)
  def now():
    return datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
  def to_posix(dt):
    return (dt - datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)).total_seconds()
  def from_posix(p):
    return datetime.fromtimestamp(p, pytz.UTC)

Its usage is simple, too:

You might notice that there’s some special magic in the localize_and_format() method for dealing with tzinfo objects created by psycopg2. For some reason, its API has a slight mismatch against that of pytz. If you aren’t using psycopg2, you can strip out that if statement. But if you are, make sure all the timestamp-containing columns in PostgreSQL are declared as timestamp with time zone, rather than simply timestamp. This is another footgun; traditionally, Postgres used timezones implicitly, but this was reverted in order to comply with SQL standards.

The conclusion.

It took me several hours of research to figure out how to properly deal with timestamps in Python. Its datetime API is full of gotchas, and a naive developer can easily succumb to its apathy. It turns out that I had many subtle bugs in my codebase before I revisited all code pertaining to timestamps.

As it’s unlikely that naive datetimes will ever actually be removed from Python, I recommend that everyone create standards for datetime manipulation within their projects. Doing so may prevent tricky bugs and large rewrites later on.

If you happen to stumble upon this article in your own search for datetime incantations, feel free to use my above timehelper class. Consider it public domain.